Exporting Data

Learn how to download the Wikirate data in CSV or JSON format.

At the top of results tables, there is an Export Button to download data. You can export in CSV or JSON format. In either case, the current filters applied to the export. Click on the arrow next to the button to choose the format, level of detail, and maximum number of data points you want to export.


Export button


Export image

CSV Structure

Answer (Data point) Exports

  • Basic: Answer Page, Metric, Company, Year, Value, and Source Page
  • Extended: all basic fields plus Answer ID, Original Source, Source Count, Comments, and ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)

Metric Exports

  • Basic: Metric Link, Questions, Metric Type, Metric Designer, Metric Title, Value Type, Value Options, Unit, and Research Policy
  • Extended: all basic fields plus About, Methodology, Topic, Unpublished, Scorer, Formula, Range, Hybrid, Inverse Title, Report Type, Year, and Company Group

Relationship Exports

  • Relationship Link, Metric, Subject Company, Object Company, Year, Value

Company Exports

  • Link, Name, ID, Image, Headquarters, Website, Alias, International Securities Identification Number, OpenCorporates ID, OS ID, SEC CIK, Wikipedia

Source Exports

  • Link, Name, ID, Title, Company, Year, Report Type, Original Link

Exports of all other types

  • Link, Name, ID

JSON Structure

See guide on how to Use the API.


  • CSV downloads will allow a maximum of 500 results per request without a Wikirate account and 5000 results per request with a Wikirate account. To download more results than that, you will need to do multiple exports (e.g. using the filters to split the export by year) or use the API.
  • JSON downloads produce 20 results per page. When there are more than 20 results, the response will include at least one paging URL, which you can use to retrieve the complete list.

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