signature_accepted_values = ["Signed by CEO", "Signed by Director", "Signed by Managing Director", "Signed by Chairman"] supply_chain_disclosure_accepted_values = ["Geographical", "Facility/Supplier"] risk_identification_accepted_values = ["Geographic","Resource", "Workforce","Industry"] incidents_remediation_accepted_values = ["Worker remediation", "Corrective action plan", "Senior management", "Cancel contracts"] grievance_mechanism_accepted_values = ["Hotline (direct employees)", "Hotline (supply chain workers)", "Whistleblower protection (direct employees)", "Whistleblower protection (supply chain workers)", "Focal Point (direct employees)", "Focal Point (supply chain workers)"] policies_accepted_values = ["Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1)", "Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (beyond tier 1)", "Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1)", "Prohibit use of forced labour (beyond tier 1)", "Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1)", "Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (beyond tier 1)", "Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct / tier 1)", "Contracts include clauses on forced labour (beyond tier 1)", "Suppliers produce their own statement (direct / tier 1)", "Suppliers produce their own statement (beyond tier 1)", "Prohibit charging of recruitment fees to employee (direct / tier 1)", "Prohibit charging of recruitment fees to employee (beyond tier 1)", "Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1)", "Prohibit use of child labour (beyond tier 1)", "Suppliers protect migrant workers (direct / tier 1)", "Suppliers protect migrant workers (beyond tier 1)", "Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)", "Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (beyond tier 1)"] risk_assessment_accepted_values = ["Risk-based questionnaires", "Use of risk management tool or software", "Conducting research"] risk_management_accepted_values = ["Audits of suppliers (self- reporting)", "Audits of suppliers (independent)", "On-site visits (self- reporting)", "On-site visits (independent)"] training_accepted_values = ["Employees (all)", "Procurement / purchasing", "Recruitment / HR", "Leadership", "Suppliers", "Training provided - not specified to who"] c1 = signature_accepted_values.includes signature c2 = board_approval == "Approved by Board" c3 = statement_publication == "Yes" c5 = organizational_structure == "Yes" c6 = supply_chain_disclosure_accepted_values.some((v)=> supply_chain_disclosure.indexOf(v) >= 0) c7 = policies_accepted_values.some((v)=> policies.indexOf(v) >= 0) c8 = risk_assessment_accepted_values.some((v)=> risk_assessment.indexOf(v) >= 0) c9 = risk_identification_accepted_values.some((v) => risk_identification.indexOf(v) >= 0) c10 = risk_management_accepted_values.some((v) => risk_management.indexOf(v) >= 0) c11 = grievance_mechanism_accepted_values.some((v) => grievance_mechanism.indexOf(v) >= 0) c12 = incidents_identified == "Yes" c13 = incidents_remediation_accepted_values.some((v) => incidents_remediation.indexOf(v) >= 0) c14 = training_accepted_values.some((v) => training.indexOf(v) >= 0) c15 = effectiveness_kpis == "Yes" c16 = business_kpis == "Yes" [c1, c2, c3, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16].filter(Boolean).length
MSA Statement Approval
Research lock_open
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Walk Free
MSA risk management (revised)
Research lock_open
Walk Free
Walk Free