On pages 8-9, the statement focuses on how there is training (to an unspecified party) on Supply Chain Awareness and Human Rights Awareness. These topics are not written about in depth so it is not clear the level at which it directly correlates with modern slavery, but there is training, to some extent, provided.
on pg 7 it mentions that they are developing a supplier support hub for training
Since, code of conduct includes modern slavery. We have considered it in relation to MS training.
pg. 3
"Code of Conduct Sets fundamental expectations for all employees on upholding human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, zero tolerance of abuses of human rights, inclusive of modern slavery and human trafficking."
pg. 7
"We are currently developing our supplier support hub intended to deliver key training and support material to help our supply partners meet Wood’s expectations."
pg. 8
“Code of Conduct Training 100% of the target group (4,600 people) completed mandatory ethics training designed to drive everyday ethical decision making and position learners as local champions of core E&C messages, enabling them to initiate conversations about conducting business with integrity and promoting a “Speak Up” culture.”
"Responsible Officer Training
Responsible Officers continue to receive 1-2-1 training on all elements of our Code of Conduct and its application to the business."
Responsible Officer training may include "Procurement / purchasing" or "Recruitment / HR" but since not specified, it's not selected.