Apparel Research Group+Image
Terms of Employment Disclosure Rate
What percentage of the following terms of employment indicators did the company disclose?

About the data

This metric assesses how much a company discloses about the terms of employment for their own and supply chain workforces. 

Below is a list of the metrics that are included in this assessment.

m2 = "Unknown" if [m2].flat()[0] == "No Living Wage Policy"

m3 = "Unknown" if [m3].flat()[0] == "No Living Wage Policy"

unknownIfNo =  [m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12, m13, m14, m15, m16]

all = [m1, m2, m3].concat unknownIfNo

numNo = unknownIfNo.filter( (v) -> [v].flat()[0] == "No").length

researched = all.filter (val) -> (val != "NR") 

known = numKnown(researched) - numNo

known / researched.length * 100
Global Reporting Initiative
Project JUST Research Group+Image
Project JUST Research Group
Project JUST Research Group+Image
Project JUST Research Group
Project JUST Research Group+Image
Project JUST Research Group