A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Measure UP
Are the company_s social audit results publicly available?
Measure UP
Do the company_s own staff routinely visit factories to carry out checks or audits?
Access to Nutrition Index
How much does the company score in implementing responsible marketing policies?
Access to Nutrition Index
How well does the company score in its efforts to promoted and support healthy diets and active lifestyles to their staff and consumers?
Access to Nutrition Index
How well does the company score in terms of delivery of affordable, available products?
Access to Nutrition Index
How well does the company score regarding the nutritional value of products?
Access to Nutrition Index
A score which reflects corporate nutrition strategy, management and reporting
Access to Nutrition Index
How much does the company score in its engagement with policymakers and other stakeholders?
Access to Nutrition Index
What's the company's score reflecting its informative labeling and appropriate use of health and nutrition notes?
Is the company a member of the EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition)?
Rank a brand
A-E grade reflecting sustainability - awarded by
What is the company's clean energy index rate (%)?
How much does the company score vis-a-vis operational GHG emissions & RE supply?
What's the company's supply chain GHG emission ranking?
What's the company's clean electricity plan score?
How much does a company score in clean electricity policy advocay?
United States Environmental Protection Agency
What percentage of the company's power comes from green sources?
Union of Concerned Scientists
What's the company's UCS total score regarding its commitment to source palm oil that does not contribute to deforestation?
Union of Concerned Scientists
What's the company's UCS total score regarding its commitment to source palm oil that does not contribute to peatland destruction?