A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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What are the company's combined Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tons of CO2 equivalent)?
Global Reporting Initiative
Laureen van Breen
Did the company disclose what percentage of new suppliers were screened using environmental criteria?
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group
What is the percentage change from the previous year of the company's GHG emissions (Scope 1&2) per employee?
Textile Exchange
Is the company a Responsible Down Standard certified supplier?
Public Eye Research Group
Mentioning "living wage": Does the company mention "living wage" or equivalent terms or translations on its website or in public company documents?
Textile Exchange
Is the company a Responsible Wool Standard certified organization?
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Is the company a participant or core partner of the Make Fashion Circular Initiative?
Climate Action 100 Plus
Is the company part of the Climate Action 100+ list of companies?
Project JUST Research Group
Does the brand use renewable energy at any stage of the supply chain?
Global Reporting Initiative
How many employee work-related injuries were recorded during the reporting year?
Ewha Womans University Research Group
What percentage of the following nineteen SDG12 indicators are disclosed?
Clean Clothes Campaign
How many tier 2 suppliers does the company have?
Clean Clothes Campaign
Did the company make its supply chain disclosure available in a downloadable or open data format?
Minerals Sourcing
Is the organization a member of the International Copper Alliance (ICA) and if so which member type?
Minerals Sourcing
Is the organization a member of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) and if so which member type?