Public Eye Research Group+Image
References to a living wage
Mentioning "living wage": Does the company mention "living wage" or equivalent terms or translations on its website or in public company documents?

About the data

Why is that important? Just mentioning a "living wage" does not increase any salary. But if the company uses the term, the link to the source provides a valuable starting point for deeper research into the companies' engagement on wages. Therefore this question is less important in practice, but very useful for research and advocacy work. 

Mentioning "living wage"

Does the company mention "living wage" or equivalent terms or translations on its website or in public company documents?


- yes

- partial

- nothing found

Select yes if:
- one of the following terms or a direct synonyms or direct translation appears on the website or in a public document of the company. Please cite the exact term found in the comment field. Examples for equivalent terms include "Living Wage", Living Wages", "Living Income", "Living Incomes", "Existenzlohn", "Existenzlöhne", "Existenzsichernder Lohn", "Existenzsichernde Löhne", "Existenzsichernde Einkommen", Existenzsicherndes Entgelt", "Salaire Vital".

Select partial if:
- the company does not use the term "Living Wage" or a direct synomym or translation, but the company still provides meaninfgul information on wages in its supply chain, such as an explanation of its apprach to ensure fair wages.

Select "nothing found" if:
- None of the terms were found found.
- No other meaningful information on wages in the supply chain was found.

Value Type
nothing found
Research Policy
Community Assessed