Research Group Eticonsum+Image
More than 80% of fruit & vegetables of national origin
More than 80% of the fruit and vegetables are of national origin.

About the data

With this metric we aim to assess the national provenance of fruit and vegetables offered by supermarkets.
We will see if the data is published directly by the chain in its reports, or if not, we will use the latest report published by Afrucat.

This is a study prepared by the Infolineal cabinet for the Associaci� Empresarial de Fruita de Catalunya (Afrucat) in which the origins of apples and pears are audited on the sales lines of the main Spanish supermarkets in the cities of Barcelona , Madrid, Zaragoza, Lleida.

For our last evaluation of 2019, we have taken the latest reports of this ranking (April and September 2019) and we have assigned a YES to supermarkets that exceed 80% of apples and pears of origin Spain on average in the last 2 audited periods.

We will assign a "" YES "" to this question if:

- According to the Afrucat "" Infolineal "" report, the supermarket exceeds 50% of apples and pears from Spain on average in the last 2 audited periods
- The company publishes the ratio of its fruit and vegetables of Spain origin over the total and this is higher than 50%

We will assign a "NO" if:

- The company does not publish any information on its proportion of fruit and vegetables of national origin
- The company publishes its proportion of fruit and vegetables of national origin and this is less than 80%
- The company does not publish data, but according to Afrucat's "" Infolineal "" report, the supermarket does not exceed 80% of apples and pears from Spain on average in the last 2 audited periods

This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' website:

- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF)

If the company does not publish this information, we will consult the latest "" Infolineal "" report from Afrucat on the origin of apples and pears in Spanish supermarkets.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website