Waste Productivity
A measure of the company's productivity in relation to resulting waste, as compared to other companies in their industry

About the data

In the first step, each company's Waste Productivity is calculated for 2012. Waste Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / [Total waste generated (metric tonnes) _ waste recycled/reused (metric tonnes)]. Each company_s Waste Productivity is then percent-ranked against that of all Industry Group peers in the CKC research universe and multiplied by 0.75. In the second step, the change in each company_s Waste Productivity from 2010-2012 is calculated and percent-ranked against that of all same-industry group peers within the CKC research universe. If the company_s percent-ranked 2012 Waste Productivity is top quartile, their percent-ranked change in Waste Productivity for 2010-2012 is multiplied by 1 and then by 0.25. If the company_s percent-ranked 2012 Waste Productivity is second quartile, their percent-ranked change in Waste Productivity for 2010-2012 is multiplied by 0.75 and then by 0.25. If the company_s percent-ranked 2012 Waste Productivity is third quartile, their percent-ranked change in Waste Productivity for 2010-2012 is multiplied by 0.5 and then by 0.25. If the company_s percent-ranked 2012 Waste Productivity is bottom quartile, their percent-ranked change in Waste Productivity for 2010-2012 is multiplied by 0.25 and then by 0.25. In the third step, the values from the first and second steps are totaled.