Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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updated 7 months ago by yimin zhou

From 2021 Section in Annex - pg 41


"Audit indicators

• 83% of tier one suppliers’ factories audited in

calendar year 2021.26

• 93% of audits that were unannounced (apart from

initial preproduction audits).27

• 2,471 Number of audits in calendar year 2021.28

• 0.32% of non-compliances under clause

Employment is Freely Chosen of our Supplier

Code of Conduct in calendar year 2021.29

• 0.12% of non-compliances under clause

Employment is Freely Chosen of our Supplier

Code of Conduct which were resolved in

calendar year 2021.

• 39 Number of incidents of unauthorised

sub-contracting in the calendar year 2021."

Allie.....2023-11-15 01:06:09 UTC