Research Group Eticonsum+Image
Visibility of the national/local product in physical and online store
The company makes the national / regional product visible both on its shelves and in its online store above the rest.

About the data

This question evaluates how the company promotes the choice of Spanish and regional products at the point of sale.

Although here we include this question within the environmental dimension and in particular linked to the carbon footprint, the prevalence of Spanish products also encompasses other social aspects such as the promotion of local economy and development, so this metric is also included in our evaluation related to the social impact of companies.
In the case of the online shop, there should be a section that highlights and differentiates national, local and/or regional products from the rest.

As an example of good practice we highlight Eroski, which identifies 20,000 products with the drawing of the flag of each community
We assess with a YES any merchandising or shopper experience strategy to facilitate the visibility of the national and / or local product both in physical stores and in the online store, for example:

- Distinctive in the labeling of own brand products (regional or national flag)

- Location of the products at an average height of the line (more within reach of the buyer)

- Any indicative such as visible signage, "" displays "", gondola header, etc ..

- In the case of the online store, there must be a section that highlights and differentiates national, local and / or regional products from the rest.

This information can be found by visiting the supermarket stores or in any of the following reports published on the companies' website:

- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF)
- The company's online store
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website