Research Group Eticonsum+Image
Reduction of the intensity of GHG emissions by 10%
The company has reduced the intensity of its own emissions (scope 1 & 2) vs previous year or base year by at least 10%.

About the data

This sub-metric is used to evaluate the metric : ""1.4 GHG emissions intensity""
GHG emissions intensity is a key indicator when monitoring the real relative impact of a company's carbon footprint. We therefore value companies including this indicator in their reporting, albeit with different denominators to the one we have chosen.
The measure we have selected to assess the intensity of GHG emissions in the retail sector in a homogeneous way is TnCO2eq per m2.
We will assign a" "YES" "if:

- The company declares that it has reduced the intensity of its own emissions 1 + 2 with respect to the previous year or base year by at least 10%. The base year must be specified by the company in its report
- The company does not make a statement in this regard, but it is possible to calculate said reduction based on the previous year. In this case, we must have the emissions ratio for the current year and the previous year, or have the surface data and total emissions for both years

This information can be found at any of the following reports published on the website of companies:

- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-financial information statement (EINF)
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website