Research Group Eticonsum+Image
Investment plans in reusable packaging
The company has plans to invest in reusable packaging and new product distribution systems to reduce the amount of single-use packaging used for its products.

About the data

This sub-metric is used to evaluate the metric : ""2.8 Single-use plastic management""
This metric is based on Greenpeace Spain's evaluation study "Ranking of supermarkets' plastic footprint" carried out in late 2018 and late 2019.

Although the behaviour of companies with regard to the use and disposal of plastic at their points of sale should be included in our previous metric ""2.7 Packaging management"" we believe that due to the impact of this material on the environment it deserves to be treated individually.
For this we have used the most complete and rigorous corporate evaluation study on plastic use that currently exists in Spain and which specialises in the rating of supermarkets, such as this "Greenpeace Plastic Footprint Ranking".

Esta información se puede encontrar en el informe de Greenpeace "" Ranking de supermercados según su huella plástica "": against- the-plastic /

Greenpeace califica a los 8 supermercados más grandes del país de 1 (peor calificación) a 10 (mejor calificación) en función de su desempeño como resultado de las demandas de esta organización en cuanto a la gestión de plásticos.

Asignaremos un "SI" a esta pregunta si :


• La compañía recibe una puntuación superior o igual a 5.0 sobre 10 en este  "Ranking de Huella Plástica de los supermercados" llevado a cabo a finales de 2018 y finales 2019 por la organización Greenpeace. 

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website