Research Group Eticonsum+Image
1.7 Sustainable logistics
What is the performance of the company in terms of sustainable transport ?.

About the data

This metric is part of Eticonsum's research study on the evaluation of companies in the Retail Food sector on environmental, social and ethical issues.
Eticonsum is a non-profit market research agency specialising in ESG (environment, social, governance) corporate performance applied to consumer insights.
We research and analyse the ethical market in the FMCG sector and evaluate the environmental and social performance of companies in order to help both conscious consumers to decide according to their values and companies to compete on ethical reputation.

The responsibility of shopping centres and in particular supermarkets for pollutant emissions lies mainly in their large logistical activity.
In Europe, lorries account for 22% of road transport emissions, although they account for only 2% of the vehicles on the roads. The EU recently set a 30% reduction target for pollutant emissions from new trucks from 2030, with an average target of 15% in 2025 compared to the levels recorded in 2019.

In this section, we value agile and responsible logistics, capable of adapting to changes and incorporating environmental aspects in its strategy.

The means of logistical transport that we consider in this metric is generally land transport, both in our own or subcontracted fleets, from the headquarters to the point of sale and the last mile. However, we will also consider, where appropriate, means of transport such as air and sea for retailers that cover business lines with longer supply chains such as textiles.

With regard to the use of alternative energy vehicles (AEVs), our assessment is limited to those for which there is more consensus in the field of heavy transport and at the regulatory level, such as electric vehicles and the most advanced version of the Euro Law (EURO VI for heavy vehicles or EURO 6 for light vehicles)

Answers are calculated as a weighted average. To find a weighted average of a group of numbers that have been normalized to the same 0-10 scale, you simply multiply each number by its weight (percentage) and add them up.