A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company make the list of its manufacturing facilities publicly available in an open data format (aligning with the Open Data Standard for the Apparel Sector) in order to make this information easy to use for trade unions and NGOs?
Elske Krikhaar
Is the company part of the Detox Catwalk leaders group?
Does the company disclose their chemical data on the IPE platform?
Does the company have a policy regarding elimination of APEOs and Phthalates?
Has this facility been identified as a textile mill?
Clean Clothes Campaign
How much does the company score in relation to commitment and practice?
Clean Clothes Campaign
Does the company report on living-wage benchmarks?
Does the company provide evidence that the environmental figures it publishes are audited by a third party?
What is the company's score of transparency about where and who it sources its seafood from, and how clearly this is communicated to customers?
What's the compnay's score if it sells any destructively caught or endangered marine species on Greenpeace's Red List for seafood?
In total, how much money has the company been penalized for violations imposed by US federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department?
Is the renumeration of senior executives linked to environmental performance targets?
Is the full supply chain governed by the company_s code of conduct?
Access to Nutrition Index
How much does the company score in its engagement with policymakers and other stakeholders?
Access to Nutrition Index
A score which reflects corporate nutrition strategy, management and reporting
Access to Nutrition Index
How well does the company score regarding the nutritional value of products?
Access to Nutrition Index
How well does the company score in terms of delivery of affordable, available products?
Measure UP
Are the company_s social audit results publicly available?
Access to Nutrition Index
How much does the company score in implementing responsible marketing policies?