A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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India Responsible Business Forum
Does the company disclose if PWD or SC or ST are present in the Board of Directors?
India Responsible Business Forum
Does the company disclose the number of permanent women employees in the total workforce?
India Responsible Business Forum
Does the company disclose the number of permanent employees with disabilities in the total workforce?
India Responsible Business Forum
Does the company disclose the number of permanent SC employees in the total workforce?
India Responsible Business Forum
Does the company disclose the number of permanent ST employees in the total workforce?
UN Global Compact
What sector does the company operate in, according to the classification scheme used by the United Nations Global Compact?
UN Global Compact
How many employees does the company have? (according to their UN Global Compact profile page)
GOV.UK Gender Pay Gap Service
What was the difference between the mean hourly rate of pay for female employees and the mean hourly rate of pay for male employees?
Clean Clothes Campaign
Did the company respond to Clean Clothes Campaign's brand survey on Wage Transparency?
Clean Clothes Campaign
What is the company's CSR department email address?
Clean Clothes Campaign
What are the company's top 3 production countries (by volume of products sourced)?
Fashion Revolution
What are the company’s human rights and environmental policies?
Fashion Revolution
What are the company’s vendor/supplier policies covering human rights and environmental standards across the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company state that its supplier/vendor policies are based on credible international standards such as the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, relevant UN and ILO Conventions, UN Global Compact?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish whether the policy (or policies) is part of the purchase agreement or if a supplier signature is required?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish the supplier / vendor policy (or policies) / Code of Conduct translated into local languages of production and sourcing countries?
Fashion Revolution
Which of the company’s human rights and environmental policies are reflected in their management procedures?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company describe the process for identifying its most material human rights and environmental impacts?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose what its most material or significant human rights and environmental impacts are?