A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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What's the company's score if they report on sustainable sourcing of fibers for paper?
What's the company's voluntary take-back score?
Is the company a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil?
Ranking Digital Rights
What score did Ranking Digital Rights award for public commitments and disclosed policies affecting users’ freedom of expression and privacy?
What is the company's CEO paid?
Rajinder Singh Randhawa
Elske Krikhaar
Is this company part of the Detox Greenwashers group?
In which country is the company headquarters located?
Does the company have a policy on the Greenhouse Gas emissions of the palm oil they source?
Has the company submitted its 2013 Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP) to the RSPO?
What is total volume (in tonnes) of palm oil that is used/bought by the company?
By which year does the company commit to sourcing 100% CSPO?
What is total volume (in tonnes) of CSPO that is used/bought by the company?
What is the total palm oil score of the company?
India Responsible Business Index
Does the company have a policy on Human Rights?
Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First
What was the total monetary value of penalties imposed by US federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department?
PERI at University of Massachusetts Amherst
If the company was named by PERI as one of the "Toxic 100" Water Polluters, What is their rank?
PERI at University of Massachusetts Amherst
If the company was named by PERI as one of the "Toxic 100" Greenhouse Polluters, What is their rank?