A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Global Reporting Initiative
What percentage of new suppliers were screened using labor practices criteria?
Wikirate SDG Metric design
Are women over or under-represented in management positions?
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Was the company's Modern Slavery Act statement explicitly approved by the board of directors (or equivalent management body)?
Walk Free
Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
Amnesty International
Does the company have a page on its website dedicated to conflict minerals or responsible sourcing?
Global Reporting Initiative
How many female workers died because of a work-related incident?
Global Reporting Initiative
What percentage of water used by the company was recycled or reused? (G4-EN10-b)
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the energy intensity ratio for the organization?
Is the company committed to paying its own workers a living wage?
Which companies does this supplier supply to?
Walk Free
Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Walk Free
Does the company’s statement describe a change in their policy that occurred as a direct result of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015?
Richard Mills
What percentage of the company's employees are temporary (as opposed to permanent)?
Wikirate SDG Metric design
What percentage of the company’s workers are female?
What were the company's direct (scope 1) greenhouse gas emissions (in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent)?
Walk Free
Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Global Reporting Initiative
How many metric tonnes of persistent organic pollutants (POP) does the company emit?
Global Reporting Initiative
How much Surface Water did the company withdraw (in cubic metres)?
Amnesty International
Does the company's conflict minerals / responsible sourcing policy focus on minerals other than tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold?
In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?