Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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KPIs not reported.

pg. 7-8

"Assessing our Effectiveness

This past year, with the aim of continuously improving our processes and practices for preventing modern slavery from occurring in our business or supply chain, we engaged our Internal Audit team to perform a review of the accuracy and completeness of the assertions made in our 2019 Modern Slavery Act Statement. The review focused on the governance, consultation and due diligence processes underlying our Statement, and its findings will help inform our programs, policies and initiatives directed at preventing modern slavery in our business and supply chain.

The effectiveness of RBC’s AML program is regularly evaluated to ensure it remains current and aligned with business activities, regulatory developments, industry standards and best practices. By doing so, RBC adheres to all applicable anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws and regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions in which we operate, including guidance on money laundering risk related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

We also have quarterly AML checks for material suppliers. This allows us to baseline a supplier’s risk profile and subsequently flag and assess any activities that would violate our Supplier Code. Any instances where corrective actions are required are discussed with the supplier and tracked from beginning to completion. No instances were raised for review in 2020, and there were no modern slavery or human trafficking incidents related to our suppliers identified through our supplier monitoring procedures.

To assess the effectiveness of our approach to E&S risk, we rely on input from relevant internal and external stakeholders, including investors, clients, civil society and community representatives."

Singh Anjali.....2021-10-25 08:36:35 UTC

changed to yes

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2022-01-06 17:54:45 UTC