Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (independent)
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pg. 8

"Supply Chain Audit

It is a requirement that all new direct suppliers to Food and C&H have due diligence checks in place in the form of an 100% completed self-assessment questionnaire and an ethical audit, conducted by approved third parties. If issues are identified, appropriate investigative and remedial actions are taken. In C&H, once a supplier is onboarded, we operate an audit policy that requires an annual social compliance assessment to take place within a 3-month window. This audit cycle is then augmented by our regional compliance team, based in our sourcing offices, who support factories with implementing a corrective action plan. In Food, suppliers are risk assessed and the audit programme is designed around the results of those assessments."


"One of the outcomes of lockdowns and temporary factory closures has been the inability to conduct traditional faceto-face third party audits. Audits were suspended in a number of countries from which we sourced, and whilst we continued to liaise with factories and contact where possible via virtual means, the number of non-compliances is lower than we would expect to see. Our commitment has not changed, and we will be working with suppliers in the coming year to identify areas where non-compliances may occur."

Singh Anjali.....2021-07-09 06:06:24 UTC