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Discloses Living Wage Estimates Used for Benchmarking
Does the company disclose what living wage estimates they use to track and benchmark wages for workers in its supply chain?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

When a company discloses the living wage methodology it uses to benchmark the wage rates that workers are paid in its supply chain, it allows stakeholders to scrutinise the credibility of the company's approach.

In this question you are being asked to identify whether the company discloses what living wage estimates they use to track and benchmark wages for workers in its supply chain.

Where to look for this information:
- Corporate Social Responsibility report
- In Modern Slavery Statement or
- California Transparency Act disclosure
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)

Good keywords for your searches include:
- Living wage
- Anker methodology
- Asia Floor Wage
- Fair Labor Association
- Fair Wage Ladder
- WageIndicator Foundation data

Things to keep in mind:
- We are looking for information about how brands calculate and benchmark living wage rates for workers in their supply chain, such as by using the Anker methodology, Asia Floor Wage or WageIndicator Foundation data. They could be using multiple benchmarks.
- We will also accept if the brand uses in-house methods of calculating living wages but only if they disclose their calculation methodology.