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MSA historic record
Does the company provide links to their modern slavery statements from previous years (either on their website or in their current statement)? *Note: When researching this metric the "Year" field should be set to the current year.
Walk Free

About the data

To be able to assess whether companies are improving their modern slavery due diligence over time, the Modern Slavery Act requires companies to publish a statement for every financial year and to make these publicly available. However, companies will often remove statements from previous years, once a new statement is released. This hampers the ability of stakeholders to make year-on-year assessments and hold business to account over a longer period of time.

Does the company provide a historic record of their modern slavery statements?

*This metric refers only to Modern Slavery Act Statements (UK or AUS). It does not apply to companies publishing a record of statements covering the California Supply Chain Transparency Act.

You will probably need to add a new source representing the homepage, so click the "Add a new source" button and enter the company's homepage URL as the new source or save the page as a PDF and add as a file.


  • Yes. The company provides links to any of their previous statements (either on their website or in their current statement). Provide details about where you found it and how many previous statements they link to in the comment section.
  • No. If no such links exist on their website or in the current statement.

* Note on choosing the Year of your answer

When researching this metric the "Year" field should be set to the current year.