Question: What is the total number of male employees?
Global Reporting Initiative
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H&M Full-year report 2018 page 21.


H&M Group Sustainability Report 2018 page 84.



According to the reports,


A total number of employees in 2018 was 123,283 and 74% was female employees. Hence 26% was male employees.



123,284*26% = 32,054

Akira Pimsawat.....2019-04-20 07:40:25 UTC

H&M annual report 2018 page 37

Tanmoy Kumar Paul.....2020-01-18 12:16:43 UTC

Annual report p37: "At the end of the year the group had approximately 177,000 employees. The average number of employees in the group, converted into full-time positions, was 123,283 (120,191), of which 10,839 (10,100) are employed in Sweden."


If total is 177,000 then 177,000 x 26% = 46,020

Rachel Ross.....2020-02-18 15:38:14 UTC