About the data
The Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) is founded on the premise that Food & Beverage manufacturers can make a strong contribution to addressing poor nutrition and related diseases. The ATNI assesses and ranks the world’s largest manufacturers based on their nutrition-related commitments, practices and performance globally.
This metric focuses on companies’ engagement with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders on corporate nutrition practices and nutrition-related issues. Companies are assessed under two criteria:
G1 Lobbying and influencing governments and policymakers
G2 Stakeholder engagement
To perform well in this Category, companies should:
- Publish a policy on lobbying in a Code of Business Ethics, or similar format, which clearly extends to lobbying on nutrition issues.
- Disclose fully, on a global basis, their lobbying activities, including their positions on nutrition issues and their membership and funding of industry associations and lobbying organizations.
- Disclose any Board seats on such bodies and any potential governance conflicts of interest (or state that none exist).
- Commit to playing an active part in supporting the efforts of developing country governments to address undernutrition, and publish examples of such activities.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive, structured approach, following the AA1000 Standard (see Box 21).
- Provide evidence of extensive engagement with stakeholders to address both obesity and undernutrition on a global basis.
- Report on how the input received through stakeholder engagement is used to improve the company’s strategies, policies and/or practices.
Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed