Question: How much water did the company withdraw (in cubic metres)?
cubic metres
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 7 years ago by Nosh Nalleen

on page 136 is a graph that displays avg of 108619 kL therefore 1 cubic metre equal 1000 litres


Water consumption We have recorded a 4.8 percent increase in our consumption of water during FY2016 (5 percent decrease in FY2015). We are investigating the cause of this increase and seeking measures to reduce our consumption in all our premises in line with those we have adopted for our Centurion campus. The volume of water consumed has been calculated using municipal invoice data, which are unfortunately frequently unreliable. This has resulted in the available data suggesting that Telkom’s employees are consuming approximately 37 litres per person hour (303 litres per person per day), which is four times what one would expect from a non-manufacturing environment where one third of the employee population are not office bound. To improve the accuracy of the measurement of our water consumption, noting that Telkom employees work in more than 7 000 buildings, of which many are leased facilities that cannot provide actual consumption data, water meters will be used at significant sites to measure actual consumption rather than extrapolating unreliable municipal account data. By no later than FY2018 we will be able to present more accurate and reliable data, particularly for key sites such as our Centurion campus, and we will also be able to better estimate total consumption across the population of unknown consumption sitres across the group

Nosh Nalleen.....2017-02-16 21:57:10 UTC

The graph is not clear on average per year.


Nosh Nalleen.....2017-02-19 09:28:44 UTC

I would say that it is unknown. The graph on pg 136 is unclear. The 108619 could refer to ave monthly consumption for 2015 or perhaps average monthly consumption for 2016. It could also refer to actual monthly consumption for December 2015 as there is no value for that month. Furthermore, the graph and the report do not agree. The report states that water consumption increased by 4.8% in 2016 yet the graph shows that average water consumption for 2016 is lower than for 2015. If you add the monthly consumption figures for 2016 from the graph you get 1 269 649 cubic metres. However, as the graph differs with what is mentioned in the report one cannot rely on the accuracy of the graph.

Timothy Nast.....2017-02-19 10:24:04 UTC