Question: How many male workers died because of a work-related incident?
Global Reporting Initiative
Adidas AG
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 months ago by Pooja Yadav

"The company has not reported male employee fatalities."


"In 2023, we recorded a ‘Lost Time Incident Rate’ (‘LTIR’) of 0.33 (2022: 0.44) as well as, unchanged to the previous year, a zero ‘Occupational Illness Frequency Rate’ (‘OIFR’) and zero fatalities for own employees."

"For external, contracted workforce at our offices and distribution centers, we ended the year 2023 with an improved LTIR of 0.49 (2022: 0.67). In 2023 we recorded one work-related fatal accident at an own retail construction site compared to one such accident at a distribution center in 2022. We initiated thorough investigations to understand the exact root cause enabling us to take all measures and actions necessary to prevent similar accidents in the future."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-20 07:16:16 UTC