Question: Does the company’s statement identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"
Resource/products and services,
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Community
updated 7 months ago by AARUSHI GUPTA

In the "Responsible Purchasing Program" section of the Statement, it is mentioned that specific policy and programs exist to mitigate the risk of human trafficking and modern slavery amongst migrant workers (Foreign Migrant Worker Policy). The policy states "Factories that employ foreign migrant workers must be approved by VS&Co executive leadership after the completion of a comprehensive Foreign Migrant Worker Risk Assessment with satisfactory results. If approved, the factory is closely monitored annually to ensure there are no forced labor violations, workers do not pay for their job or become indebted to their employer, and all workers have freedom of movement and are treated in accordance with the law."


In the supplier code of conduct section, certain policies revolving around raw materials used in the products are mentioned where risk of modern slavery and human trafficking is high. These materials are cotton and certain "minerals" harvested from zones that directly or indirectly benefit armed groups: "...prohibits its suppliers from using conflict minerals which may directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in theDemocratic Republic of the Congo and its nine adjoining countries in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act’s Conflict Minerals Provisions."

AARUSHI GUPTA.....2023-11-09 21:42:41 UTC