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MS User policy (sector specific)
Does the company disclose in its modern slavery statement that it has a modern slavery policy covering any social media platforms it owns or distributes?
Walk Free

About the data

Clear organisational policies help set the tone in assessing, preventing, and mitigating the risk of, and working to influence and remedy, modern slavery. Businesses have a responsibility to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts linked to their operations, products or services (UN Guiding Principles). Policies covering social media platforms should be established to detect, prevent, and remedy modern slavery that occurs through use of the platform. It also helps to demonstrate a company’s commitment to tackling modern slavery.


This metric is assessing whether policies exist to combat modern slavery that occurs on the social media platform, not organisational policies on modern slavery that do not mention whether they apply to the social media platform and its users.

For example, the policy states that use of the social media platform to facilitate modern slavery/exploitation is prohibited, or content or behaviours that may lead to modern slavery are prohibited.

Note: Users may include non-paying users, paying users (customers) such as businesses paying to advertise or recruit, and developers (individuals or companies) who build applications for social media platforms. 


* Note on choosing the Year of your answer

Read the MSA Statement carefully to find out what year it covers.

When a statement is referring to a Financial Year (FY) ending in Q1 or early Q2, it should be labeled with the previous year. Example:

  • Statement for FY2018/19 ending in April 2019 = 2018
  • Statement for FY2018/19 ending in May 2019 (or later) = 2019