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Supply chain wages disclosure (sector specific)
Does the company disclose any information about the wages workers receive in their supply chain?
Walk Free

About the data

Low and underpayment of wages are an indicator of forced labour. Due to chronic poverty of farmers, agriculture characterised by small-scale farming, fluctuations and extremely low prices of cocoa, low wages can be common in the cocoa sector.

To meet this metric, companies must disclose that it has made commitments, or has taken action, to tackle low or underpayment of wages in their supply chains.

This can include:

  • Commitment to increasing farmer income through premiums
  • Acknowledge and support the Living Income Differential fee
  • Commitment to paying living wage or fair wages
  • Action plan to pay living wage
  • Number of suppliers where living wage is paid
  • % of suppliers that have committed to pay living wage

Note: these must be general commitments outside of commitments made in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Modern Slavery Statement
Katharine Bryant