Question: Does the company’s statement detail specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in beyond tier 1 supply chains?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies,
Prohibit use of forced labour,
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking,
Contracts include clauses on forced labour
Walk Free

1. "We have several policies in place relevant to Modern Slavery, all of which are signed off at Director level. This includes our Human Rights policy, our Code of Ethics & Behaviours, and our Whistleblowing Policy (aimed principally at our employees but also available to others working in our supply chain.) - These have been extended to all suppliers and franchise partners"


2. "We updated our standard supplier contractual terms for new suppliers in 2016 and 2017 to include obligations on Modern Slavery Act risk assessment, controls, and notification of Modern Slavery findings and to further reference our wider Global Sourcing Principles."


3. "This included clarifying position on non- payment of recruitment fees, expectation on Supplier transparency and requirement for additional due diligence if operating or sourcing in High risk locations."


These are all cited on page 4.

Albana Khanna.....2018-10-22 10:41:46 UTC