Question: Does the company have a grievance mechanism in place to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking? If so, is this grievance or whistleblowing mechanism provided for direct employees, or does it extend to workers within the company’s supply chain?
Employees and Supply Chain Workers
Walk Free

1. "This includes our Human Rights policy, our Code of Ethics & Behaviours, and our Whistleblowing Policy (aimed principally at our employees but also available to others working in our supply chain.)" (Page 4)


2. "During 2016-17, we conducted a critical review of grievance mechanisms available both for our employees and for the supply chain, and the extent to which issues are effectively raised within our business. This involved developing a better understanding of our existing processes, identifying what reporting data is available and using a cross-business survey to assess awareness and adoption. In 17/18 we have been working through the implementation plan to improve the understanding of what channels are available within the business, and unifying the way we handle and follow-up on grievances. This year we introduced an independent external facility for employees in UK, internationally and supply chain to raise Human rights concerns." (Page 4)

Albana Khanna.....2018-10-20 05:54:50 UTC