Question: Does the company continuously engage with suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
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1. "Our Global Sourcing Principles (GSP) have applied to product suppliers since 1998, and as of May 2016, have been extended to all suppliers and franchise partners – including goods not for resale. We updated our standard supplier contractual terms for new suppliers in 2016 and 2017 to include obligations on Modern Slavery Act risk assessment, controls, and notification of Modern Slavery findings and to further reference our wider Global Sourcing Principles. In 2018 we have further strengthened our Global Sourcing Principles, this included clarifying position on non- payment of recruitment fees, expectation on Supplier transparency and requirement for additional due diligence if operating or sourcing in High risk locations. For goods and services not for resale procurement we introduced Supplier management policy which includes Global Sourcing principles to ensure all businesses are captured." (Page 4)

Albana Khanna.....2018-10-20 06:20:53 UTC