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AUS MSA Beyond Compliance Disclosure Rate
What is the companies' disclosure rate on the 4 metrics formulated based on the statutory guidance accompanying the Australian Modern Slavery Act?
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About the data

Based on the statutory guidance, 4 metrics were formulated which go beyond the minimum requirements of the Australian Modern Slavery Act, looking for disclosure on the due diligence measures and actions that the Australian government urges companies to report on.  This metric assesses how many of those 4 elements a company provides more information on.

Formula logic:

From the total amount of metrics (4), count the number of metrics that have not been disclosed to in the company's Modern Slavery statement ("No" if not present in the statement or "Unknown" if no statement could be found)

if (meets_minimum_aus_requirements == "Yes")
        [policy, incidentsID, training, bizKPI].filter((v) -> [v].flat()[0] != "No").length
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