318 data points have been researched
out of a potential 1320 (10 Companies x 44 Metrics x 3 Years).

24.0 %


The Top 100 Fashion Company Research Project is an effort to collect and assess fashion supply chain data - from top to bottom. This means a holistic assessment of the environmental and social performance of brands as well as their suppliers and investors.

The Top 100 are a group of fashion companies identified by FashionUnited as the largest 100 companies by market capitalisation. They have an aggregated market value of more than 1 trillion dollars. 

This project seeks to bring together diverse datasets which have been identified as ‘most needed’ by organizations and individuals working in ethical sourcing and production. 

An important facet of this project is the mapping of company disclosure rates. On Wikirate, researchers collect data on ‘Unknown’ as well as ‘Known’ values. The research and aggregation of this broad set of data will highlight the gaps in public datasets, shed light on complex relationships, and identify leverage points for improving value chain transparency and corporate performance.


  • Create a Wikirate profile. Click the “join” button on wikirate.org. Create a username, add your email address and password, then click submit.

  • When you are signed into Wikirate, you can join the Research Group: by going to Top 100 Fashion Project Research Group and clicking on "Join Group." This will track yours and others' research contributions to the Project.


  1. Once you have joined your research group, go to your Project, find the company you have been assigned to research and click the Research button.
  2. You will see a list of metrics in the dropdown menu. Choose a metric to research and click the Metric details tab to read the methodology.
  3. Start by looking for a source for this information. Your source may already be on the Wikirate platform or you may find the information somewhere else and need to add it to the platform.
  4. Choose the relevant year for the metric value in the dropdown menu and add the value to the answer box. Make sure you convert the value into the correct unit of measurement. If you cannot find the relevant value click Unknown
  5. To cite your selected source, click Cite on the right-hand side of the window.
  6. Add a comment to your answer detailing the page number of the source where you found your metric value (if applicable). You can also include relevant excerpts from the report. If you converted the metric value, explain how you did so including equations. 
  7. It's time to submit your answer! Click the Submit button and check everything is correct.
  8. Now hit Next to move onto your next metric.