About the data
According to a report by the Dutch committee of the IUCN and the organization The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), only 22% of the soy used in Europe in 2017 met the standards or criteria established by the European Federation of Feed Manufacturers (European Feed Manufacturers' Federation, FEFAC), to consider such soy "sustainable" or free from deforestation. As Greenpeace points out in its report "Enganchados a la carne": "Beyond the doubts about the traceability and rigor of these standards created by the feed industry itself, it is a very relevant fact that not a single ton of soybeans the industry considers the Spanish market as "sustainable" in 2017.
With this question, we demand that companies communicate at least one specific policy on the use of soy in animal feed for their own brand products, such as meat, fish and milk. This policy, which must be supported by initiatives and concrete objectives constitutes the first step by supermarkets in their scale of responsibility and performance in this matter, based on their recognition of the impact of this monoculture on deforestation.
We will assign a "" YES "" to this question if:
- The company communicates a specific policy on the use of soy in animal feed for its own brand products, such as meat, fish and milk. This policy, which must be supported by specific initiatives and objectives, constitutes the first step by supermarkets in their scale of responsibility and performance in this matter, based on their recognition of the impact of soy on deforestation.
Said policy must be presented by means of an individual document or clearly differentiated in one of its non-financial reports.
We will assign a "NO" if:
- Relevant sources are omitted within each type of emissions, such as
This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' website:
- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF)
We will assign a "" YES "" to this question if:
- The company communicates a specific policy on the use of soy in animal feed for its own brand products, such as meat, fish and milk. This policy, which must be supported by specific initiatives and objectives, constitutes the first step by supermarkets in their scale of responsibility and performance in this matter, based on their recognition of the impact of soy on deforestation.
Said policy must be presented by means of an individual document or clearly differentiated in one of its non-financial reports.
We will assign a "NO" if:
- Relevant sources are omitted within each type of emissions, such as
This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' website:
- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF)
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
, Sustainability Report
, Code of Conduct
, Integrated Report
, Company Website