Research Group Eticonsum+Image
Publication of consumed energy broken down by primary sources
The company records and publishes its total energy consumption (Kw / h) broken down by primary sources.

About the data

This sub-metric is used to evaluate the metric : ""3.1 Registration and publication of the energy consumed""
With this metric based on the GRI 302: Energy standard, we aim to assess companies' efforts to measure and publish their energy consumption inside and outside the organisation.
We will "assign a" "YES" "to this question if:

- The company publishes the breakdown of its energy consumption, at least electricity and fuel (gas, diesel, diesel, ...) used in its facilities and by its logistical means when these are controlled by the company.

We will assign a "NO" if:

- The company only reports on its total consumption without breaking down by its primary sources of consumption
- The company only publishes its electricity consumption
- The company only publishes fuel consumption

This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' website:

- Annual memory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Report on Carbon Footprint
- Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF)
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website