A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total rate (%) of employees leaving company during the reporting period?
Enough Project
Has the company conducted internal audits of the procurement practices of 3TG suppliers down to the level of refiner, at least, within the last year?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the injury rate (IR) for the female workforce (employees plus supervised workers)?
Enough Project
Does the company have a stated policy of auditing suppliers of 3TG metals?
Enough Project
Has the company participated in the Extractives Work Group for the EICC-GeSI conflict-free smelter program (CFS)?
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
Has the company adopted any CSR business initatives?
Enough Project
Has the company visited at least two of its refiners and inquired about the use of conflict minerals within the past year?
Enough Project
Has the company provided financial support for auditing for 3TG?
Enough Project
Has the company published the refiners it uses for 3TG?
Walk Free
A measure of the company's productivity in relation to greenhouse gas emissions as compared to other companies in their industry
Laureen van Breen
What has company set as its minimum space (m2) requirement per animal?
Does the company have a committee, at Board of Directors level, whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company?
Elske Krikhaar
Is the company part of the Detox Catwalk leaders group?
Has the company investigated and come to know precisely which companies refine/smelt the company's supply of 3TG, with third-party verification?
Did the company describe in their modern slavery statement how they conduct their risk assessment AND what risks were identified?
Michael Leben
Is the company a member of the FairWear Foundation?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the injury rate (IR) for the male workforce (employees plus supervised workers)?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening?