A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Enough Project
Has the company participated in the process for developing the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict- Affected and High Risk Areas and did it commit to piloting the guidance?
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Has the company taken a public position opposing back-doors?
Enough Project
Did the company issue a public statement against the threatened lawsuit against the SEC regulations on conflict minerals by the Chamber of Commerce?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men in the organization?
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Does the company fight for users' privacy rights in courts?
Global Reporting Initiative
How much economic value does the company distribute?
Did the company issue a statement advocating for legislation in Europe on conflict minerals?
Did the company meet with the NGO coalition regarding inquiries on conflict minerals?
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP)
What was the effective rate of tax paid by the company on earnings outside the United States?
Amnesty International
How many smelters/refiners did the company identify in its supply chain?
Enough Project
Does the company have a stated policy of support for certification?
Richard Mills
Calculated percentage of all energy that came from renewable sources.
Global Reporting Initiative
What percentage of the total workforce is represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs?
What is the average female remuneration (total salary + benefits) for the lowest-paid category of employees?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of new employee hires during the reporting period?
Enough Project
Has the company made public statements in support of certification?
Enough Project
Has the company provided financial support for certification? Participation in the Public Private Alliance (PPA) would count for points; PPA is a step toward certification but not certification, as per the definition: certification as a multi-stakeholder process similar to the Kimberley and/or Forest Stewardship Council processes, which would be an international regime to trace, audit, and certify 3TG metals as being conflict-free.
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total volume of recorded significant spills in cubic meters?
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Does the company disclose government content removal requests?
Global Reporting Initiative
Of the total number grievances about human rights impacts filed, how many were resolved during the reporting period?