A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Clean Clothes Campaign
How much does the company score in relation to commitment and practice?
Does the company have a policy regarding elimination of APEOs and Phthalates?
Does the company disclose their chemical data on the IPE platform?
Enough Project
Did the company participate in the Multi-stakeholder Group of NGOs, companies, and investors to the SEC and sign on to the Group's letters?
Enough Project
Has the company conducted internal audits of the procurement practices of 3TG suppliers down to the level of refiner, at least, within the last year?
Michael Leben
Is the company a member of the FairWear Foundation?
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
Has the company adopted any CSR business initatives?
Enough Project
Has the company developed at least one verifiably conflict-free product, with independently audited supply chains all the way to the point of extraction?
Enough Project
Has the company participated in the Extractives Work Group for the EICC-GeSI conflict-free smelter program (CFS)?
Has the company held regular communication with NGO coalition regarding conflict minerals (at least bi-monthly)?
Did the company meet with the NGO coalition regarding inquiries on conflict minerals?
Enough Project
Has the company participated in the process for developing the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict- Affected and High Risk Areas and did it commit to piloting the guidance?
Enough Project
Does the company have a stated policy of support for certification?
Does the company have a committee, at Board of Directors level, whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company?
A measure of the company's productivity in relation to greenhouse gas emissions as compared to other companies in their industry
Clean Clothes Campaign
Is there any indication of workers' empowerment?
Enough Project
Has the company had third-party audits conducted of 3TG suppliers down to the level of refiner, at least, within the past year?
Good Company Index
Good Company Index score for environmental impact
Enough Project
Has the company visited at least two of its refiners and inquired about the use of conflict minerals within the past year?