A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish measurable, time-bound and long-term commitments, targets or goals for improving their human rights impacts?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish measurable, time-bound and long-term commitments, targets or goals for improving their environmental impacts?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company release annual, up-to-date disclosure of progress towards achieving its measurable, time-bound and long-term human rights commitments, targets or goals?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company release annual, up-to-date disclosure of progress towards achieving its measurable, time-bound and long-term environmental commitments, targets or goals?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish an annual sustainability or corporate social responsibility report that is audited or verified by an independent third party?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publicly disclose who in the company has the lead responsibility for human rights and environmental issues?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the name of the board member responsible for human rights and environmental issues in the business?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish a description of how board level accountability is implemented in practice?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how employees beyond the CSR / sustainability / ethical trade team incentives are tied to improvements in human rights impacts and environmental management?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how executive incentives are tied to improvements in human rights impacts and environmental management?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company describe how suppliers incentives are tied to improvement in good labour practices and environmental management?
Fashion Revolution
What information does the company publish about its factories that is has a direct relationship with? (e.g production units, Cut Make and Trim (CMT) facilities, garment finishing, full package production and packaging and storage)
Fashion Revolution
What information does the company publish about its processing facilities? (e.g. ginning and spinning, knitting, weaving, sub-contractors, dyeing and wet processing, tanneries, embroidering, printing, fabric finishing, dye-houses, laundries, etc.)
Fashion Revolution
What information does the company publish about its suppliers of raw materials? (e.g. raw material providers, farms, slaughter houses, sewing yarn suppliers, filament and staple, chemical suppliers, etc.)
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how it works to identify human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations in its supply chain (its approach to conducting due diligence)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose that worker/producer/farmer representatives, unions and other affected stakeholders are involved in the due diligence process and explain how they are involved?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified and their prioritisation (low, medium, high)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose evidence of steps taken to cease, prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the outcomes or results of steps taken to cease, prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish a description of the facility-level assessment process?