A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Home Office
In the UK Modern Slavery Registry portal, which types of training did the company disclose as being covered in their modern slavery statement?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for 3.2 Processing Facilities Disclosure in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for 3.3 Raw Materials Suppliers Disclosure in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for 2.1 Identifies Lead Responsibility for Human Rights & Environmental Issues in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for 1.3 Management Procedures in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?