A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 4.3 Monitoring and Responsible Recruitment in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 5.1 Worker Engagement in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 5.2 Freedom of Association in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Clean Clothes Campaign
How many female workers does this company have?

What is the size of the company (based on a factor of their employee count and revenue)?

Clean Clothes Campaign
How many male workers does this company have?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's diversity & inclusion policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's harassment and violence leave policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's health & safety policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's working hours & rest breaks policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's child labour policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's forced & bonded labour policy reflected in their management procedures?

Apparel Research Group
For what percentage (%) of the company's known suppliers has the address been disclosed?

Apparel Research Group
For what percentage (%) of the company's known suppliers has the proportion of male workers been disclosed?
What are the company's Scope 1 (direct) Greenhouse Gas Emissions, in terms of metric tonnes of CO2 equivalence?

Apparel Research Group
For what percentage (%) of the company's known suppliers has the proportion of female workers been disclosed?

Apparel Research Group
For what percentage (%) of the company's known suppliers has the number of workers been disclosed?

Apparel Research Group
Is the company's anti-corruption, bribery and presentation of false information policy reflected in their management procedures?