A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Cuál es la cifra de accidentalidad de mujeres colaboradoras?
Cong Danh Trieu
Did Seek Limited Company help the economy grow up?
What is the average female remuneration (total salary + benefits) for the lowest-paid category of employees?
Richard Mills
Calculated percentage of all energy that came from renewable sources.
What is the companies' disclosure rate on the metrics formulated based on either the UK home office statutory guidance accompanying the UK Modern Slavery Act or the Australian Modern Slavery Act guidance?
Does the brand have a policy that addresses subcontracting in the supply chain?
Walk Free
Does the company meet the minimum legal requirements either of the UK Modern Slavery Act or of the Australian Modern Slavery Act?
Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 5.2 Freedom of Association in the KnowTheChain benchmark?
Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 1.5 Stakeholder Engagement in the KnowTheChain benchmark?
Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 2.1 Traceability and Supply Chain Transparency in the KnowTheChain benchmark?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021 - Scoring
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021 - Scoring
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021?
Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 3.3 Integration into Supplier Contracts in the KnowTheChain benchmark?
Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 4.4 Rights of Workers in Vulnerable Conditions in the KnowTheChain benchmark?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021?