A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
All Filters
Did the company describe in their modern slavery statement how they conduct their risk assessment AND what risks were identified?

Electronic Frontier Foundation
Does the service provider publicly commit to provide users with an appeals process and be transparent about the results of that process?

Wikirate SDG Metric design
Which actions did the company report on which are relevant to addressing SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation)?
How does the company help the environment?

Poverty Footprint
What percentage of unskilled positions is filled by women?
John Callewaert
What is the total amount (kWh) of energy consumed by the institution that has been generated from renewable sources?

Global Sourcing Council
How much did the company pledge to advancing SDG 2?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning product and service information and labeling resulting in a warning?
Jessica Corona
What is the carbon footprint?
Jessica Corona
How much water does your company consume?

Supplier Transparency Research Group
Does the company disclose which certifications it has?
Luis David Quintero
How much energy the company saves in terms of households?

US Securities and Exchange Commission
What is the company's comprehensive income net of tax?

US Securities and Exchange Commission
What is the company's income tax expense?

US Securities and Exchange Commission
What is the company's portion of profit or loss?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the number of male employees who returned to work after parental leave ended?

Clean Clothes Campaign
What is the percentage of female workers at the company?
Cuál es la cifra de accidentalidad de mujeres colaboradoras?

US Securities and Exchange Commission
What is the company's advertising expense?