A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Center for Sustainable Organizations
What's the Company's total CO2 Emissions (tCO2)?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning product and service information and labeling resulting in a fine or penalty?
Jessica Corona
What is the carbon footprint?
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group
How has the Scope 1 Emissions changed over one year?
Valentina Gomez
Does the company have community projects?
Clean Clothes Campaign
What is the percentage of female workers at the company?
Cuál es la cifra de accidentalidad de mujeres colaboradoras?
What brands does this company own?
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group
How many tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined, CO2 equivalent) did the company emit per employee?
Sara Velásquez Posada
What is the percentage of promotion opportunities for women?
What is the company's industry "section" (or sections) according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)?
What are the company's industry or industries?
Global Reporting Initiative
Laureen van Breen
Did the company disclose how much Surface Water it withdrew (in cubic metres)?
Global Reporting Initiative
Laureen van Breen
Did the company disclose how much Ground Water it withdrew (in cubic metres)?
Global Reporting Initiative
Laureen van Breen
Did the company disclose what percentage of new suppliers were screened using environmental criteria?
Which companies supply Tin to this company?