About the data
This Standard is part of the set of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards). The full set can be downloaded at www.globalreporting.org/standards/.
In 2018, the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines were superseded by the GRI Standards. For this metric, the code G4-EN23-a is used in company reporting prior to 2018, and the new GRI code 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method is used in reporting from 2018 onwards. The methodology for the former G4 standard for this metric can be found here.
In the context of the GRI Standards, the environmental dimension of sustainability concerns an organization’s impacts on living and non-living natural systems, including land, air, water, and ecosystems.
GRI 306 addresses the topic of effluents and waste. This includes water discharges; the generation, treatment and disposal of waste; and spills of chemicals, oils, fuels, and other substances.
The generation, treatment and disposal of waste – including its improper transportation – can pose harm to human health and the environment. This is of particular concern if waste is transported to countries lacking the infrastructure and regulations to handle it.
The disclosures in this Standard can provide information about an organization’s impacts related to effluents and waste, and how it manages these impacts.
To answer this question you need to identify the total waste to landfill (in tonnes) reported by the organization for a specific year. Start by searching publicly available documents like Annual and CSR reports. If the answer is not reported or found in appropriate documents, select the Unknown answer box.
Keywords & search terms: Waste, Landfill, GRI, 306-2, EN23
Answers & Calculations: Once you have found the answer, make sure the unit of measurement fits to the question on Wikirate. If calculations or conversions are done, include these in the Comments field alongside the page number where you found the answer.
Units: Companies may report the volume in thousands of cubic metres, or using a unit other than cubic meters. If this is the case, convert units to cubic meters (see website below), or add the number of zeros indicated, and fill in the total number in the answer field - e.g. If the company says '0.5 million tonnes' the answer should be entered on Wikirate as '500000'.
For conversions, Convertunits.com can be helpful.