Extent of knowledge transfer (G4-EO12-b)
Does the organization identify the methods of knowledge transferred?

About the data

This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sector Supplement - Event Organizers. It covers one of the reporting requirements of Indicator EO12 - 'Nature and extent of knowledge transfer of best practice, and lessons learned'.

Throughout the project life cycle, an event organizer can learn from successes and failures. This learning can be transferred to future events and the wider industry to facilitate continual improvement. The transfer of this knowledge to other event organizers and other relevant sectors can add value to the industry.

Transfer of knowledge is not exclusive to sustainability initiatives. Security, operations, transport management, construction and other technologies, sourcing, and standard creation are all examples of potential knowledge transfer areas.

In order to maximize knowledge transfer, the information should be made available to the public and actively promoted and shared.

Legacies can be those that are known, clearly defined and measured, and evident in the project life cycle, and future legacies that are yet to be defined, including initiatives with potential for a positive legacy.

Indicate whether the organization identified the content of knowledge transferred by choosing Yes or No.

If provided, in the comments section include the identified methods of knowledge transfer, including:

  • workshops,
  • documentation
  • and other modes of sharing information.

For Wikirate Researchers: 

  • Please see this page for guidelines on how to research values for GRI-based metrics.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report