Customer satisfaction survey results reported for major product or service (G4-PR5-a2)
Does the organization report the results or key conclusions of customer satisfaction surveys (based on statistically relevant sample sizes) conducted in the reporting period relating to information about a major product or service category?

About the data

This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines. It covers one of the requirements of Indicator G4-PR5 - 'Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction about a major product or service category'.

Customer satisfaction is one measure of an organization’s sensitivity to its customers’ needs and preferences and, from an organizational perspective, is essential for long-term success. In the context of sustainability, customer satisfaction provides insight into how the organization approaches its relationship with one stakeholder group (customers). It may also be used in combination with other sustainability measures.

Customers’ needs and preferences may differ by gender and other diversity factors. Customer satisfaction may provide insights into the degree to which an organization considers the needs of other stakeholders.

This metric is looking for reporting on the results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction about a major product or service category.

For Wikirate researchers:

  • Identify whether the company reports results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction about a major product or service category.

  • For any survey results reported, identify the product or service category, or locations of operations to which they apply, and note these in the comments.

  • If the company reports results or key conclusions of customer satisfaction surveys about major product or service category, answer Yes.

  • If the company doesn’t report the results, answer No.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Communication on Progress
Corporate Social Responsibility Report