Question: Does the company specify targets on gender equality and women’s empowerment in operations (for example 50% of women in leadership positions by 2025)?
Women in leadership,
Gender Data Research
Gender Equality Targets

pg. 38

"Social Gender parity by 2030- Promote diversity, reaching more than 40% of women in management positions.- Extend ESG policies in the supply chain to 95%."

pg. 252

"The recruitment target by 2025 is 284 young people with a skills profile marked by agility, flexibility and collaboration, with digital skills and a data-oriented mindset. The target for hiring women through the Flex programme (which targets young professionals with no previous experience) is 60%, and in the case of Lead (which connects young people with some professional experience) it is 70%."

Manali Rana.....2022-11-02 12:07:20 UTC