Question: Does the company specify targets on gender equality and women’s empowerment in operations (for example 50% of women in leadership positions by 2025)?
Women in leadership,
Women on board,
Gender Data Research
Gender Equality Targets
Unverified - Added by Community

Pg. 48

“People focus

Endesa considers its employees as key factors in the company’s sustainable strategy, and as part of its role as a leader in the energy transition, it promotes the development of training and retraining programmes for employees, committed to diversity at all times right from the selection process-es, where its goal is to ensure the 50% participation of women.”

Pg. 190

“To increase the presence of women (% women in the workforce) 2022 target 26% 2024 target 27%

To increase the presence of women in positions of responsibility: Manager and middle manager (CGI+GC0) (% women) 2022 target 32 2024 target 32

Promoting gender diversity as part of selection processes (% women) 2022 target 50% 2024 target 50%

Promoting gender diversity in the recruitment process (% all women recruited) 2022 target 38 % 2024 target 42%

Presence of women in STEM positions (% of women) 2022 target 18% 2024 target 18.5%”

Pg. 250

“Presence of women on ENDESA’s Board of Directors (% of women) 2022 target 40% 2024 target 40%”

Manali Rana.....2022-11-01 07:07:51 UTC